Love On The Left

For Stage Hypnotists –
A Media Photo Opportunity, Social Media Generator, Corporate Customized Hypnosis Show Skit all rolled into one !!



Introducing  …. Love on The Left   (LOL!)

Hello, I’m Richard Cole and I’ve been a professional comedy entertainer since 1981.  As a veteran comedy hypnotist, I have been in the same position as you. Starting out, you “borrow” some of the skits you’ve seen other hypnotists perform. Eventually you start putting together your own skits, some get laughs, others just FLOP!

My goal when crafting skits for my shows, are not only to make them easy to present, and fun for the audience,  but also, they need to be able to be MONEY GENERATING POSSIBILITIES!!

A few HONEST confessions BEFORE we go much further…

1.   I DID NOT invent the “skit” used in this project! In fact, I think according to archaeological evidence, it was used in Ancient Egypt. Got it? Good!  I did however embellish and develop a CREATIVE use for it!! So there!

2.   It is NOT the latest, fastest, quickest, deepest Instant Rapid PR Hypnotic Induction technique..but it IS a generate some great media attention, and definitely laughs, unless you don’t use it!

3.  You MAY have to spend a few minutes getting everything together, or… NOT anytime at all (pg. 17) it’s completely up to you!


Who can use Love On The Left?

The Love On The Left Skit works with all  STYLES of comedy hypnotists:

  • Corporate * Family * Cruise Ships *High Schools *Nightclubs *X-Rated performers

The LOL Skit works in all  VENUES of performing:

  • Theatres * Cruise Ships * Festivals * Bars * Comedy Clubs * Highschools * Couples Resorts * Dinner Shows

The LOL Skit works with all LEVELS of performing experience:

  • Beginners: You will have a proven skit that you will be expert at in minutes!
  • Amateurs:  You will be able to easily add this skit anywhere in your current show!
  • Pros: You will have the opportunity to create a unique brand and photo op!
     “Richard is absolutely open about the fact that this is
not essentially an original routine (you may have something similar already), however it’s the nuances, time in the trenches with it, and the little ‘ooh, I didn’t think of doing that’ bits that make this a great addition to your hypno skit bank.  Plus as someone else who loves leveraging publicity, Richard’s thoughts on how to use this for even more attention are fantastic.Onya mate! Nice one.”
-Matthew Hale

Are you wondering, “Is this skit right for me?”

Although the this skit is easy to follow and understand, some people may decide to simply skip this routine altogether and never implement it into their show. That’s just fine though; that means YOU can use it and dominate YOUR area!`

There are far too many hypnotists who are just..”another hypnotist act”.  You want to be known as some one special, something unique, someone who stands out!
Make a name for yourself..AND get some publicity!!

“This is something very commercial that I can see bringing the house down with laughter. I will definitely be adding this to my show. The cool thing is that I can adapt the presentation to fit any style audience, be it a comedy club  or high school audience.”
-Devin Knight

In addition to the “Love On The Left” script and report (as a PDF), you also get…

Video Lessons :

  • Introduction and Development Background
  • Finding the Necessary Tools for the Skit
  • Setting Up and Executing the Skit
  • Actual Show Footage of the Skit in Action
  • Plus..BONUS ideas and Tips

Audios :

  • Introduction, Setting Up and Using the Skit
  • Extra Ideas and Tips to use the skit to the MAX!!

PLUS: bonus UPDATES, TIPS, AND MEDIA IDEAS delivered to you to help MAXIMIZE your success!

     “Bought the skit earlier and just wish that you released it a few weeks ago … I’m down to my last grad parties of the year in a few weeks!”
-Jason Christopher


Course Information


Course Instructor

Richard Cole Richard Cole Author

LOL One Time


Special Valentine’s Day Special

Let’s Fall In Love

Bonus Videos

Audios And Resource Downloads